The Risk
Modern network security requires a layered defence approach that factors in people, processes, and technology.
Together, such tactics—including creating a strong culture of security, conducting threat research, prioritizing assets, and deploying modern network controls—will enhance visibility and shorten threat response times, resulting in minimizing the impact of cyberattacks.
Resilience with BCyber’s Cyber Due Diligence
BCyber’s cyber due diligence reviews have been developed to enable business to clearly understand their cybersecurity risk. We do not just identify your vulnerabilities we provide a set of prioritised activities – so that you know the steps that can be taken to harden your cybersecurity posture. We believe that this is not purely a “siloed” technology exercise – our focus is on bringing technology into your day-to-day business resilience landscape.
It is not a matter of if but when a cyber incident will occur. Business today is in one way or the other connected and utilising technology and whether that is storing data on a computer, having a smart phone or using email. The risk is a “clear and present danger”.